Regular Series ECG education Is this a prolonged QT interval? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday September 2012 2012; 2(3): 39-40
Regular Series Perspectives New percutaneous treatments for aortic and mitral valve disease Mathivathana Indrajith, Mehrdad Emami, Sushil Allen Luis, Karl Poon, Darren L Walters CardiologyToday September 2012 2012; 2(3): 22-29
Regular Series Perspectives Atrial fibrillation: rhythm versus rate control Peter Kistler CardiologyToday September 2012 2012; 2(3): 31-32
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Care of adults with congenital heart disease Preeti Choudhary, Rajesh Puranik, David S Celermajer, David Tanous CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 8-14
Regular Series Case studies Never let the facts spoil a good story: a challenging case history Leon A Simons CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 16-17
Regular Series ECG education Is this atrial fibrillation? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 37-38
Regular Series Perspectives Addressing sexual issues in patients with cardiac disease Margaret J Redelman CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 32-35
Regular Series Perspectives To salt or not to salt - still remains the question Rob Macginley, Merlin Thomas CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 19-22
Regular Series GP emergency management Fitness to drive in a patient with aortic stenosis Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 39-40
Regular Series Perspectives Hyperkalaemia: ECG changes, causes and treatment Pat Phillips CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 27-30
Regular Series ECG education Is this a junctional tachycardia? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 39-40
Regular Series Perspectives Who should get a pacemaker or an ICD? Neil Strathmore CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 28-30
Regular Series Perspectives Assessing ischaemia in stable CAD Sonny Palmer, Andrew Wilson CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 23-26
Clinical Flowchart Cardiovascular medicine An approach to diagnosing diastolic heart failure Jonathan Hunter, Sandhir Prasad, John J Atherton CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 6-12
Regular Series Case studies A healthy 38-year-old man with premature coronary artery disease Christian Hamilton-craig CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 32-34
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Diastolic heart failure: an approach to diagnosis Jonathan Hunter, Sandhir Prasad, John J Atherton CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 6-12
Regular Series GP emergency management Palpitations in a young man: how to manage? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 37-38
Feature Article Pregnancy Pregnancy and heart disease Lisa Ann Simmons CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 11-18
Regular Series Case studies Asymptomatic coronary artery disease shown on noninvasive imaging: a disbelieving patient Leon A Simons CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 19-20
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Acute coronary syndrome: care after discharge Andrew Sindone CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 4-10
Regular Series Perspectives Nonalcoholic fatty liver: an independent predictor of heart disease? Tissa A Tandiari, Andrew Wilson, Martin Weltman CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 25-27
Regular Series ECG education Is this left ventricular hypertrophy? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 28-29
Regular Series Perspectives How does diabetes damage the heart? The clock starts ticking early Lesley V Campbell CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 22-24
Regular Series GP emergency management A pale young man feeling weak, nauseous and faint: how to manage? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday September 2011 2011; 1(3): 39-40
Regular Series Perspectives Anaemia in heart failure: the clinical perspective Christopher S Hayward CardiologyToday September 2011 2011; 1(3): 23-26