Regular Series Perspectives How should we be using nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants? Bharat Khialani, John Amerena CardiologyToday April 2018 2018; 8(1): 69-72
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine TIAs and stroke prevention: rapid assessment, urgent treatment Miriam Priglinger, Martin Krause CardiologyToday June 2015 2015; 5(2): 15-20
Regular Series GP emergency management A woman with ventricular thrombotic emboli Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday November 2013 2013; 3(4): 36-38
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Evolving therapies for atrial fibrillation: focus on embolic stroke Rajeev Pathak, Rajiv Mahajan, Prashanthan Sanders CardiologyToday March 2013 2013; 3(1): 19-24
Clinical Flowchart Neurology Framework for diagnosing a patient with syncope Belinda Gray, Mark R Adams CardiologyToday March 2013 2013; 3(1): 10-16
Feature Article Neurology Investigating the patient with syncope Belinda Gray, Mark R Adams CardiologyToday March 2013 2013; 3(1): 10-16
Regular Series ECG education Is this heart block? Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday November 2012 2012; 2(4): 31-32
Regular Series GP emergency management Syncope in a teenage girl Vivienne Miller CardiologyToday September 2012 2012; 2(3): 37-38
Regular Series Perspectives Risk scores to predict stroke in atrial fibrillation John Amerena CardiologyToday September 2011 2011; 1(3): 29-32