Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Dilated cardiomyopathy: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge Carmine De Pasquale CardiologyToday September 2013 2013; 3(3): 8-12
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Management of chronic heart failure: a pill too far? Andrew Sindone, Chadi Ayoub CardiologyToday June 2013 2013; 3(2): 14-22
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Venous thromboembolism: prevention, investigation and treatment Justyn Huang, Craig Juergens CardiologyToday June 2013 2013; 3(2): 6-12
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Evolving therapies for atrial fibrillation: focus on embolic stroke Rajeev Pathak, Rajiv Mahajan, Prashanthan Sanders CardiologyToday March 2013 2013; 3(1): 19-24
Feature Article Neurology Investigating the patient with syncope Belinda Gray, Mark R Adams CardiologyToday March 2013 2013; 3(1): 10-16
Feature Article Pharmacology and therapeutics Managing myopathy in the statin-intolerant patient Ian Hamilton-craig CardiologyToday November 2012 2012; 2(4): 15-19
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Management of elevated BP: ambulatory versus office monitoring Mark R Nelson CardiologyToday November 2012 2012; 2(4): 8-12
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Acute rheumatic fever: when to still ‘think ARF’ Daniel Engelman, Andrew Steer CardiologyToday September 2012 2012; 2(3): 10-19
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Care of adults with congenital heart disease Preeti Choudhary, Rajesh Puranik, David S Celermajer, David Tanous CardiologyToday June 2012 2012; 2(2): 8-14
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Diastolic heart failure: an approach to diagnosis Jonathan Hunter, Sandhir Prasad, John J Atherton CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 6-12
Feature Article Endocrinology and metabolism Improving care in familial hypercholesterolaemia Gerald Watts, David Sullivan CardiologyToday March 2012 2012; 2(1): 15-20
Feature Article Pregnancy Pregnancy and heart disease Lisa Ann Simmons CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 11-18
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Acute coronary syndrome: care after discharge Andrew Sindone CardiologyToday November 2011 2011; 1(4): 4-10
Feature Article Women’s health Women, hormones and heart disease Jennifer Johns CardiologyToday September 2011 2011; 1(3): 4-8
Feature Article Heart diseases Smoking cessation: the heart of the matter Matthew Peters, Hosen Kiat CardiologyToday June 2011 2011; 1(2): 6-11
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Endothelial function testing: a novel tool for early detection of cardiovascular disease? Kim H Chan, Mark R Adams CardiologyToday June 2011 2011; 1(2): 12-16
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Refractory hypertension: overcoming hard to control blood pressure Rob Macginley, John Amerena CardiologyToday April 2011 2011; 1(1): 8-13
Feature Article Psychiatry and psychology A healthy heart in mind: defusing a cardiometabolic time bomb in mental illness Katherine Samaras, Jackie Curtis CardiologyToday April 2011 2011; 1(1): 15-20